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The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens for Xbox 360. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is the best-selling Star Wars videogame, with the Wii version being the best-selling version of the game. Contributed By: XTheGamerX 5 0 « See More or Submit Your Own!
Get the latest LEGO Star Wars cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Lego Star Wars Online Video Game
This game was 'Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures'. Lots of people think Indiana Jones is in the game because Harrison Ford who plays the Star Wars Character Han Solo also plays Indiana Jones. You would know this to be true because in the Mos Eisley Cantina (where the game's hub is), there is a room in the corner where you can find all. The Enter Code box is a section within the menu or sections of the game that allow codes to be unlocked. These codes unlock extras, characters, or vehicles that weren't previously unlocked. However you will still have to pay Lego studs to buy these extras, characters, or vehicles before you can use them. Every single Lego game from LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game to LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the GameCube cheats we have available for LEGO Star Wars.
- First, if you have Lego Star Wars, finish it fully. Then, fully finish Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. Now start a new game. Go back to the first game, which is completed 100%.
- LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Cheats. The insanely popular and better-than-bad LEGO Star Wars series returns, this time covering the Clone Wars that were featured in the popular animated series.
Big Money
To do this get all 10 generaters and complete theship you'll be rewarded with a lot of blue studs.
Dancing Legs
Go to the level where you fight against DarthMaul. Make sure you are in story mode. Right afteryou kill him the top of his body will fall off.When Obi-Won picks up Qui-Gon, look behind him.You will see Darth Maul's legs to be what lookslike they are dancing or looking for the body.
Can You Spell LEGO?
In episode 4, yes that is the secret level, go tothe room that has different color blocks andshapes. Use the force on the right ones at theright time and they will spell out the word LEGO.About 5 seconds later about 7 blue studs, worth 1keach, will drop. Total for that level the firsttime I played it, I counted over 100k studs. GOODLUCK!!
Never Die
If you don't want to die you must get 1,000,000lego studs and go buy invicibility.
Unlock Episode 4
To unlock episode 4 you must have the LEGO studmeter full untill it flashes on every level (1-1through 3-6). In episode 4 you can unlock DarthVader and Princess Leia.
If you are fighting battle droids turn into oneand they won't shoot at you. They will probablyfollow you around like you are the leader. That wayit is easy to shoot them without getting shot.
Battle Droid (Yellow)
If you press X when you are the yellow battledroid he will pull out a walkie-talkie and sayinto it 'Roger Roger'!
Lots Of C-A-S-H
In the level Darth Vador (Episode III chapter 6)in the part where you have to put the placetogether to make it out, there are a lot of coins,the thing is if you die you keep the coins!
Episode III Chapter 6 Part 1
When you are jumping over the lava in the firstpart turn into Jango Fett ($65,000 dollars inDexter's Diner) go in flying mode and you can flythrough the part of the level.
Want Characters?
In the game you can either find the guys as youcontinue playing story mode or enter the followingcodes then buy them at Dexter's Diner:
More Options
We have no unlockables for LEGO Star Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for LEGO Star Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for LEGO Star Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Lego Star Wars The Video Game Stud Cheats Free
We have no guides or FAQs for LEGO Star Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Lego Star Wars The Video Game Stud Cheats Ps2
Characters, vehicles, and other gameplay-changing effects are at your finger-tips with this list of LEGO Star Wars: Force Awakens cheat codes. Codes are one of the coolest traditions of the LEGO game series — real cheats that players can input in the “Extras” menu for awesome rewards.
Use cheats to unlock LEGO Star Warsminifigures and vehicles for free, or earn special in-game effects just for fun. Don’t get these cheats confused with Red Brick cheats — the codes listed here don’t need to be unlocked, no Red Brick collectibles are required, and these codes can be input and activated at any time by pausing the game and inputting the sequence of letters and numbers on the “Extras” screen. Anyone can do it, and LEGO games have included cheats since the early days of the series. Don’t miss out, keep scrolling to find the list.
Unlock the secrets of LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens with even more guides and extras on Gameranx:
Cheat Codes List
[Work-In-Progress: Check back soon for new updates.]
[Update – 6/30: Added new Character Codes to the list.]
Free Lego Star Wars Games
To activate cheat codes, go to ‘Extras’ in the Main Menu and select ‘Enter Code’ — input the codes below to unlock the character, vehicle, or Red Brick cheat.
Cheat codes do not disable achievement or trophies. If you restart the game, the codes must be input again.
Character Codes:
Lego Star Wars The Video Game Stud Cheats Ps4
- B-U4D AKA Buford (Droid) — QLLJXD
- Caluan Ematt — 26F2CF
- Chief Petty Officer Unamo — 2DZXDM
- Crokind Shand — BQPKPA
- Dasha Promenti — BJZA6F
- Flametrooper — LRYUBB
- FN-2112 — 4T3UNK
- Goss Toowers — QZTZX9
- GTAW-74 AKA Geetaw (Droid) — 2YU4NX
- Guavian Security Soldier — C73CNV
- Hoogenz — V3H6RU
- Jessika Pava — SBUSCW
- Kaydel Ko Connix — 9FJKF4
- Korr Sella — NGSEKH
- Lieutenant Bastian — XQZ7C6
- Major Brance — Q8KRC6
- Mi’no Teest — GBE8ZC
- Monn Tatth — A5JR9V
- Nien Nunb — P8KXSA
- Officer Shimitsu — GVNBWB
- Oskus Stooratt — K6JXJT
- Quinar — A4EHFJ
- R2Q5 (Droid) — VVVSEA
- R-3PO AKA Red Ar-Threepio (Droid) — BEMT2T
- Snap Wexley — HTN3RD
- Special Forces Tie Pilot — 59J67X
- Teedo — CP6ETU
- Trentus Savay — 638FNX
- Unkar Thug — YABPYU
- Wollivan — J3GMHE
- FN-2187 (No Helmet) — 3RRVAV
- GTAW-74 “Geetaw” — 2YU4NX
- Hobin Carsamba — E889GQ
Collect every Red Brick and Minikit in LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens with our full list of Chapter-specific locations.
Lego Star Wars The Video Game Stud Cheats Xbox One
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