Jak 2 Game Cheats

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Get the latest Jak and Daxter cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 2 (PS2). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 2 cheats we have available for Jak and Daxter.

Find your PCSX2 Cheat Directory 3. Make a.pnach file with your game's CRC # 4. Download OmniConvert v1.0.3 5. Use Omniconvert to convert your codes to a format the emulator can recognize 6. Add the code to the.pnach file using the format I show 7. Test your code to see if it works in game. This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Jak II (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator. When you steal any car, drive on the ground. When you see a Krimson Guard Hell Cat above you, press R2. You will hit the bottom of the Hell Cat, but not get chased. Additionally, steal a hovercar and when you see a guard, change to low hover levels. Jak 2 Cheats for Playstation 2 Home /. If you know cheat codes, secrets, hints, glitches or other level guides for this game that can help others leveling up.

Rolling Attack

While running press R1, at the end of the rollpress Square.

Defeating The Giant Plant

At the Giant Plant in the Forbidden Jungle level,run from the first spike bug until the spikes goin, then destroy it. The plant will try to eatyou. Dodge it, and it will go to sleep. Jump upon the leaves and hit the flower part. Repeatthis another two times. After he collapses, jumpon his head and an orb will appear. Jump on thehead until no more orbs come out.

Stand On Points

On Geyser Rock, go straight until you reach thePoints, but do not go over them. Stand slightlyaway and slowly walk to the Points. If donecorrectly, you should be able to stand on one ofthe Points. Do not move around a lot or else youwill lose a health point.

Stand On Yakkows

After you round up all the Yakkows in their penfor the farmer, get next to or on top of one.Press Circle and the Yakkow will moo. Quicklyjump on top of it. Instead of hopping off likeusual, you will stand on its back for a littlewhile.

Walking On Sad Guys Back

To get through the game a lot faster. collect allPower Cells in one area before going on to thenext. This will be easier, as once you defeatedGol and Maia, there is a door that requires 101Power Cells. It is best that you collect thePower Cells beforehand so you will not need to goback and forth to different locations.

Dark Crystal Locations

Hanging in Gnawing Lerker area. Same height asthe power cell. It is easy to shoot and find.On the way to the Robot area. It is harder toshoot, easy to hit, and easy to find.Near Dark Cave entrance. It is easy to shoot andfind. Use platforms to hit.Near Dark Cave entrance. Cross Dark Eco withplatforms. You should be able to find some cleanwater on the other side of some Dark Eco. Youmust use the rolling jump (L1 or R1 and jump whenyou finish rolling) or you cannot get across theDark Eco. Swim down and get close enough and itwill explode. It is difficult to get to.In Dark Cave, after you pass the second hangingspider and before the first rotating platform.Near the crystal that is after the second spider,you can find some clean water. Swim down and getclose enough and it will explode.

Unlimited Green Eco

When fighting rats in Boggy Swamp, do not destroytheir nest. They are very easy to defeat and giveyou four pieces of Green Eco each. If you are lowon life, destroy some rats.

Extra Precursor Orbs

After defeating the giant plant in the ForbiddenJungle, go back and jump on what looks like theleft eye of the plant. An orb will appear. Grabit and repeat. You should be able to get at leastfour orbs out of it.

Power Cells


Go in the Forbidden Jungle and talk to the personthat is standing on a bridge. If you catch 200pounds of fish, he will give you a Power Cell andlet you ride his boat until dark.

Defeating Gol And Maia

To defeat Gol and Maia, first access all Sages attheir citadel. After hitting the three Sages thatare reachable (Blue, Yellow, And Red), platformswill rise. Daxter will tell you to go up them.There are rotating platforms that are difficultto get on. Once at the top, follow the trailaround until you see the lamp to the Green Sage.Hit it and an intermission sequence will start.The Green Sage will tell you about Gol and Maia'srobot. Go through the door to your immediateleft. Hit the elevator button to go up. Hit allthe chests on top, as you will need them. Hoponto the platform with the Blue Eco. You will nowbe with the giant robot. Pick up the Yellow Ecothen jump and fire to break the robot's energyshield. Maia will yell, and a floating drone willbe released. Get to the Blue Eco and go to thelaunch pad. Wait until about the third or fourthtone, then press X to launch yourself away fromthe blast. Once back down, the robot will shootGreen Eco into the Dark Eco pool. Dark Ecocreatures will appear. Use the Yellow Eco to killthem all. Then, go to the Blue Eco vent andrepeat the process with the floating drone. Onceback down, the robot will shoot out about five orsix red spheres. They cause a wave. Grab theYellow Eco, and while jumping over the waves,shoot at the robot to break off a weapon. Repeatthe process of the floating drone once more.Then, grab the Yellow Eco again then try anddodge the fireballs the robot throws. Shoot atthe arm until it breaks. The ending sequence willbegin. Then, if you have not already done so, goback to each location to complete each task.Collect 101 Power Cells to open the door on topof Gol and Maia's Citadel.

Defeating The Klaww

At the Klaww in the Mountain Pass level, dodgethe boulders. The last one he throws will containBlue Eco. Get it, and a bridge will appear. Runto the end, dodging the boulders as you go. Getthe Yellow Eco at the end, and when he starts tomake a big boulder, fire away. Keep blasting himuntil he drops the boulder on his head, then runback to the first three platforms and repeat theprocess another two times.

Get To Yellow Sage

When you get to Gol and Maia's Citadel, free theBlue Sage first and go on the Blue Eco platform.Roll, then jump off. You will be able to free theYellow Sage without having to go through theobstacles. Note: This may require some practiceto avoid falling.

Alternate Ending

Successfully complete the game after collectingat least 100 Power Cells.

Faster Credits

Once the names of the Naughty Dog staff have beenshown and have disappeared off the screen, hold Xor Circle, The credits will speed up and becompleted in a few seconds.

Turn Faster When Flying

When flying, hold L1 + R1 while turning. Thiswill insure a sharper turn.

Faster Zoomer

Jak 2 Cheats Ps4

Hold L1 + R1 to go faster on the Zoomer, at theexpense of maneuverability.

Shoot Cannons Farther

To make the cannons at Misty Island and SentinelBeach shoot farther, hold Square or Circle + X.This helps with any steel boxes.

Super Jump

Press L1 + X. If timed correctly, you will gointo a crouch position and spring higher that youwould by double jumping (X, X).

Avoid Fall Damage


Press Circle to spin kick just before you hit theground and you will land perfectly every time.

Swim Faster

Instead of holding the Analog-stick in thedirection you want to swim, keep tapping theAnalog-stick in that direction. By doing this,you will move about twice as fast.


In training mode, get Blue Eco to go through adoor; instead jump off the mountain side withrocks. If done correctly you will be flying untilthe Blue Eco runs out.

Collect PowerCells

Be sure to stock up on PowerCells before you getto Gol and Maia's Citadil, you will need 100 ofthem in the end.

Lurker Sharks

Well, first you press and hold down R1, then youpress the square button while you under thepolls. Do this three times to each.

Want More Air On The Zoomer?

Just push the R1 button and you will jump, alsoif your going off a ramp, this'll come in handyto go farther.

The Terrible Lurker Shark

If you are a first time player of Jak andDaxter, be careful!! If you swim too far out inthe water, a terrible creature , the LurkerShark, will attack. First you will hear a soundsimilar to a heartbeat. Each second, theheartbeat gets faster and louder until ,suddenly, it's too late. he'll swallow you whole.the only wasy to escape is to swim back to shoreand cross your fingers!! Have fun!

Jak 2 Game Cheats Xbox 360

The Strong Survive

While punching, jump and you will do an uppercut.Then do a spin kick or a dive for a very powerfulattack.

Secret Area In Boggy Swamp

When you enter Boggy Swamp, go up the platform. At the top, go right and then onto thegrass. Look to your left. There should be a cave. Double jump and spin towards it. You then should be able to grap onto the side and pull yourself up and then your good to go.

Going Faster On The Zoomer


Ok people listen up this is how it’s done, hold down L1 & R1 to go faster. Here’s the down side, you become very unstable which will make it hard for short turns and notcrashes into things. But this is a great way to catch those pain in the bum Lurkers in the Precursor Basin or in the Mountain Pass or whatever little place you have to catch or get somewhere fast.

Faster Credits

When you see the names of the Naughty Dog staffdisappear off the screen, hold X or Circle. Thecredits will speed up and be completed in a fewseconds.

Jak 3 Cheat Codes

We have no unlockables for Jak and Daxter yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for Jak and Daxter yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Jak and Daxter yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Created by: Wntermute.Read the full guide...