This page contains WWE '12 cheats list for WII version. Now we have 7 cheats in our list, which includes 2 cheats codes, 5 unlockables. We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing WWE '12 on WII platform. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game. There are various unlockable superstars to be gained in WWE 12. For the complete list, see below: bArn Anderson:/b Complete Royal Rumble match i., WWE 12 Wii. WWE '12 is the latest entry in the long-running wrestling video game franchise spearheaded by THQ. Featuring a revamped story mode and plenty more features, WWE '12 is the quintessential video game package for any fan of the series. This guide will help you complete the Road to WrestleMania and more! Nintendo Wii Cheats, Cheat Codes and Hints We currently don't have any WWE 12 cheats or cheat codes for Nintendo Wii. Get the best selection of WWE 12 Cheats, Codes & Walkthrough/Guide/FAQ for Nintendo Wii from Cheat Code Central The Genie has more WWE 12 Cheats at
Successfully complete the indicated task in the listed chapter in Attitude Era mode on any difficulty to unlock the corresponding bonus:
- Attitude Era Backstage: Unlocked in the 'Mankind' chapter.
- Badd Blood '97: Unlocked in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Breakdown '98: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- Halftime Heat Empty: Unlocked in the 'Mankind' chapter.
- Judgment Day '98: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- King Of The Ring '98: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- One Night Only '97: Unlocked in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Over the Edge '98: Unlocked in the 'Austin 3:16' chapter.
- Raw '98: Unlocked in the 'The Great One' chapter.
- Rock Bottom '98: Unlocked in the 'Mankind' chapter.
- Royal Rumble '98: Unlocked in the 'Austin 3:16' chapter.
- Royal Rumble '99: Unlocked in the 'Mankind' chapter.
- SmackDown '99: Unlocked in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- St. Valentine's Day Massacre '99: Unlocked in the 'WrestleMania XV' chapter.
- SummerSlam '97: Unlocked in the 'WrestleMania XV' chapter.
- SummerSlam '98: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- Sunday Night Heat: Unlocked in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Survivor Series '97: Unlocked in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Survivor Series '98: Unlocked in the 'The Great One' chapter.
- Unforgiven '98: Unlocked in the 'Austin 3:16' chapter.
- WrestleMania XIV: Unlocked in the 'Austin 3:16' chapter.
- WrestleMania XV Arena: Unlocked in the 'WrestleMania XV' chapter.
Bonus Matches
- Bonus Match #1 - 9/22/1997: Unlocked in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Bonus Match #2 - 11/9/1997: Unlocked in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Bonus Match #3 - 1/12/1998: Unlocked in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Bonus Match #4 - 4/26/1998: Unlocked in the 'Austin 3:16' chapter.
- Bonus Match #5 - 6/28/1998: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- Bonus Match #6 - 8/30/1998: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- Bonus Match #7 - 9/27/1998: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- Bonus Match #8 - 10/18/1998: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- Bonus Match #9 - 11/15/1998: Unlocked in the 'The Great One' chapter.
- Bonus Match #10 - 11/23/1998: Unlocked in the 'The Great One' chapter.
- Bonus Match #11 - 12/21/1998: Unlocked in the 'Mankind' chapter.
- Bonus Match #12 - 2/1/1999: Unlocked in the 'Mankind' chapter.
- Bonus Match #13 - 3/28/1999: Unlocked in the 'WrestleMania XV' chapter.
- Bonus Match #14 - 8/3/1997: Unlocked in the 'WrestleMania XV' chapter.
- Bonus Match #15 - 3/29/1998: Unlocked in the 'Austin 3:16' chapter.
- Bonus Match #16 - 8/30/1998: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
Wwe 12 Wii Cheat Codes
- Animal (The Road Warriors): Successfully complete the NAO vs. LOD match in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Big Boss Man: Successfully complete The Rock vs. Boss Man match in 'The Great One' chapter.
- Billy Gunn: Successfully complete Bonus Match #2.
- Booker T: Win the King Of The Ring tournament.
- Bradshaw (Acolytes/APA): Successfully complete the Acolytes vs. Kane & X-Pac match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Bret Hart: Successfully complete Montreal Screwjob in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- British Bulldog: Successfully complete the HHH vs. Bret Hart match in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Cactus Jack: Successfully complete Bonus Match #1.
- Chris Jericho '99: Successfully complete the Y2J vs. Road Dogg match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Christian '99: Successfully complete the Edge & Christian vs. Acolytes match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Dude Love: Successfully complete the Stone Cold vs. Dude Love match at Unforgiven '98 in the 'Austin 3:16' chapter.
- Eddie Guerrero: Successfully complete the Stone Cold vs. Guerrero match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Edge: Successfully complete the Edge & Christian vs. Acolytes match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Edge '99: Successfully complete the Edge vs. Vader match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Faarooq (Acolytes/APA): Successfully complete the Acolytes vs. Kane & X-Pac match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Hawk (The Road Warriors): Successfully complete the NAO vs. LOD match in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Hunter Hearst Helmsley: Successfully complete the HBK & HHH vs. Mankind & Undertaker match in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Iron Mike Tyson: Successfully complete the Austin vs. HBK match at WrestleMania XIV in the 'Austin 3:16' chapter.
- JBL: Successfully complete the Edge & Christian vs. Acolytes match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- John Cena '04: Successfully complete the Stone Cold & Rock vs. HHH & Undertaker match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- John Laurinaitis: Create a PPV and Show in WWE Universe 3.0.
- Kane '97-'99: Successfully complete Badd Blood '97 in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Ken Shamrock: Successfully complete Bonus Match #5.
- Kevin Nash: Successfully complete all stories in Attitude Era mode.
- Lita: Successfully complete the Trish vs. Lita match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Lita '00: Successfully complete the Lita vs. Stephanie match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Mark Henry '98: Successfully complete The Rock vs. Mark Henry match in 'The Great One' chapter.
- Mr. McMahon: Unlocked in the 'WrestleMania XV' chapter.
- Mr. McMahon with Suit: Unlocked in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Paul Bearer (Manager): Successfully complete the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- Paul Wight: Successfully complete the 'WrestleMania XV' chapter.
- Road Dogg: Successfully complete the Stone Cold vs. Road Dogg match in the 'Austin 3:16' chapter.
- Shane McMahon: Successfully complete Bonus Match #13.
- Stephanie McMahon: Successfully complete the Lita vs. Stephanie match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- The Godfather: Successfully complete the Godfather & Henry vs. LOD match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Triple H '99: Successfully complete Bonus Match #12.
- Trish Stratus: Successfully complete the Trish vs. Lita match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Undertaker '97-'98: Successfully complete Bonus Match #4.
- Vader: Successfully complete the Kane vs. Vader match in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- X-Pac: Successfully complete Bonus Match #10.
- Bradshaw APA Attire: Unlocked in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Faarooq APA Attire: Unlocked in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- Kane '97-99 Debut Lighting: Unlocked in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Kane '97-99 Two Sleeves Attire: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- Kane '97-99 Undertaker Disguise: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- Mankind Brown Attire: Unlocked in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- Stone Cold 3:16 T-Shirt: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- The Rock '98-99 Work-Out Attire: Unlocked in the 'Mankind' chapter.

- W Championship '88-89: Unlocked in the 'Austin 3:16' chapter.
- W Championship '98-02: Unlocked in the 'The Great One' chapter.
- W Championship (Brahma Bull): Unlocked in the 'WrestleMania XV' chapter.
- W Championship (Smoking Skull): Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- W Classic Intercontinental Championship: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- W European Championship: Unlocked in the 'Rise Of DX' chapter.
- W Hardcore Championship: Unlocked in the 'Mankind' chapter.
- W Light Heavyweight Championship: Unlocked in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- W Undisputed Championship: Unlocked in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- W Women's Championship: Unlocked in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- WCW World Heavyweight Championship '91-93: Unlocked in the 'Off Script' chapter.
- World Tag Team Championship '85-98: Unlocked in the 'Brothers Of Destruction' chapter.
- Off Script Story: Successfully complete a specific story.
- Universe Feuds Pack 1: Successfully complete all matches in all chapters.
- Universe Feuds Pack 2: Successfully complete all matches in the 'Off Script' chapter.
The indicated entrance is based on the corresponding wrestler:
- 1. Hulk Hogan
- 2. Jimmy Snuka
- 3. Curt Henning
- 4. Dusty Rhodes
- 5. Junkyard Dog
- 6. Jake Roberts
- 7. Terry Funk
- 8. Mick Foley
- 9. Ricky Steamboat
- 10. Lex luger
- 11. Ultimate Warrior
- 12. Randy Savage
- 13. Arn Anderson
- 1. Kurt Angle
- 2. King Booker
- 3. Chris Masters
- 4. Rob Van Dam
- 5. Sabu
- 6. Sandman
- 7. Test
- 8. Kenny Dykstra
- 9. Bobby Lashley
- 10. Gregory Helms
- 11. Matt Hardy
- 12. Balls Mahoney
- 13. Lance Cade
- 14. Trevor Murdoch
- 15. Big Daddy V
- 16. Shelton Benjamin
- 17. Paul London
- 18. Chuck Palumbo (Biker)
- 19. Tazz (Towel)
- 20. Triple H DX
- 21. Randy Orton (WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2010)
- 22. Shane McMahon (WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2008)
- 23. Tommy Dreamer
- 24. JTG
- 25. Charlie Haas
- 26. Super Crazy
- 27. Batista
- 28. Chavo Guerrero
- 29. Doink the Clown
- 30. The Boogeyman
- 31. Jimmy Wang Yang
- 32. Jeff Hardy
- 33. Umaga
- 34. Carlito
- 35. Montel Vontavious Porter
- 36. The Hurricane
- 37. R-Truth (Mic)
- 38. Demolition Ax
- 39. Demolition Smash
- 40. Michael Cole
- 41. Jerry 'The King' Lawler
- 42. Jim Ross
- 43. Vladimir Kozlov
- 44. Trent Baretta
- 45. Dean Ambrose
- 46. Sonjay Dutt
- 47. El Generico
- 48. Austin Aries
- 49. Big Show (WWE '12)
- 50. Alex Riley
- 51. Even Bourne
- 52. Mason Ryan
- 53. Ezekial Jackson
- 54. Husky Harris
- 55. Michael McGillicutty
- 56. Tyson Kidd
- 57. William Regal
- 58. Yoshi Tatsu
- 59. Daniel Bryan (WWE '12)
- 60. Boxer
- 61. Cellphone Guy
- 62. Ladies Man
- 63. Clumsy
- 64. Zombie
Wwe 13 Cheats Xbox 360
- 1. Maria
- 2. Torrie Wilson
- 3. Ashley Massaro
- 4. Victoria
- 5. Candice Michelle
- 6. Mickie James
- 7. Melina
- 8. Gail Kim
- 9. Generic
- 10. Natayla
- 11. Michelle McCool (WWE '12)
- 12. Ariel
- 13. Jillian Hall
- 14. Cartwheel Girl
- 15. Maryse
- 16. Michelle McCool

- Tag 1: Hardy Boyz
- Tag 2: Cryme Tyme
- Tag 3: Brian Kendrick and Big Zeke
- Tag 4: Jesse and Festus
- Tag 5: Carlito and Primo
- Tag 6: CM Punk and Luke Gallows
- Tag 7: LayCool
- Tag 8: Demolition
- Tag 9: Generic Team 1
- Tag 10: Generic Team 2
- Tag 11: Generic Team 3
- Tag 12: Generic Team 4
- Tag 13: Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder
- Tag 14: Shane McMahon and Vince McMahon
- Tag 15: Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch
- Tag 16: Paul London and Brian Kendrick
- Tag 17: Umaga and Armando Estrada
- Tag 18: John Cena and Tony (aka Cena's Jeep Entrance)
- Tag 19: Hunico and Camacho (with Da Bicycle)
- Tag Legend 1: Legion Of Doom
- Tag Legend 2: The Rockers
- Tag Legend 3: The Bushwhackers
- Mixed Tag 1: Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix
- Mixed Tag 2: Johnny Nitro and Melina
- Mixed Tag 3: Jealous Superstar and Babyface Diva
- Mixed Tag 4: Cocky Heel and Heel Diva
- Mixed Tag 5: Charlie Haas and Miss Jackie
- Mixed Tag 6: Antonio Cesaro and Aksana
- Trio 1: MNM
- Trio 2: Spirit Squad
- Trio 3: new World order
- Trio 4: Generic Team
- Trio 5: Hart Dynasty
- Trio 6: The Legacy
- Trio 7: Primo, Epico, and Rosa
Wwe 12 Cheat Codes Wii
The indicated moveset is based on the corresponding wrestler:
Wwe 12 Wii Game Cheat Codes Ps2
- 1. Evan Bourne
- 2. Alex Riley
- 3. Mason Ryan
- 4. Ezekiel Jackson
- 5. Michael McGillicutty
- 6. Husky Harris/Bray Wyatt
- 7. William Regal
- 8. Tyson Kidd
- 9. JTG
- 10. John Morrison
- 11. Chris Masters
- 12. Vladimir Kozlov
- 13. Chavo Guerrero
- 14. MVP
- 15. Batista
- 16. Michelle McCool
- 17. Melina
- 18. Maryse
- 19. Shelton Benjamin
- 20. Charlie Haas
- 21. Goldberg
- 22. Kurt Angle
- 23. Rob Van Dam
- 24. Mr. Anderson
- 25. Jeff Hardy
- 26. Matt Hardy
- 27. D'Angelo Dinero
- 28. AJ Styles
- 29. Ric Flair
- 30. Roddy Piper