- How to play: Hold the Wii Remote flat with the + Control Pad facing upwards, then press the B Button to initiate the throw. Protip 10-Pin Game mode: (1-4 players) Aim for the highest score possible against friends and family in a classic 10-pin bowling match-up. Manoeuvre your Mii into position, then send the ball hurtling towards the pins with.
- When starting a game of Bowling, hold the D-pad in one of the following directions to change the color of your bowling ball. Press Up for blue (default color), Left for pink/red, Down for green, or Right for gold. Alternate ball design in Bowling. Achieve the Pro level to unlock a bowling ball with diamond designs. Training Power Throws in Bowling.
- Wii (Wii) cheats, cheat codes, guides, unlockables, easter eggs, glitches, hints, and more. CheatCodes.com has more content than anyone else to help you win all Wii (Wii) games! Of course we cheats for every Nintendo Wii game, but we also have all the cheats and hints for all your favorite WiiWare and Virtual Console titles.
Wii Bowling Game Cheats Ps4
Some Cheats To Make The Game More Fun!!!!! Bowling: Ball Color: Regular Ball: UP=BLUE LEFT=PINK DOWN=GREEN RIGHT=YELLOW Pro Ball: UP:SILVERISH-BLUE LEFT:BRIGHT PINK DOWN:DARK GREEN RIGHT:GOLD Training: Power Throws: When on 78 or 91 Pins: 78: With some curve, ride the rail and try to fall off and hit the yellow button. It will cause an. Press right on the D-pad on the Wii remote (Be sure that you have move as opposed to turn selected) to move right. 2 Get the red guideline that pops up when you are moving your Mii in line with the two last notches on the bowling alley floor (These notches are slightly closer together than the rest).
Line your throw up between the #1 and #3 pins. Do not put any spin on the ball and throw it perfectly (100%-100%). This is the easiest way to get a perfect 300 game.
Wii Bowling Game Cheats Xbox 360
Line up the target line of your bowler between the center arrow and the arrow either to the left or right of it. Then, throw a straight ball, and you should get an easy strike.
Get a ball with a good amount of hook to it. Bring your throw line to the second arrow to the left, then swing the line over to the middle arrow (the line will look like a slash). Put full spin on the ball, and throw it 100%. This may require a little adjustment.
Get a ball with a good amount of hook to it. Keep your throw line exactly where it is without moving it. Put full spin on the ball, and throw a 100%. If the ball has the correct amount of hook to it, it will hit Brooklyn every time. Brooklyn means that it will hit between the #1 and #2 pins (for a right hander) and the #1 and #3 pins (for a left hander).
Easy tournament winsWhen you defeat your opponent, the game will automatically save. If you lose a match, immediately turn off or reset your system. You will start the game on the same opponent you just lost to. By doing this, you will never lose.
Tournament moneyIf a tournament states the prize money is $10,000, you only actually can win $5,000. In any tournament, you will only receive half the prize money for finishing first.

Best Wii Bowling Games
Easy strikesWii Bowling Games Online
Line your throw up between the #1 and #3 pins. Do not put any spin on the ball and throw it perfectly (100%-100%). This is the easiest way to get a perfect 300 game.
Line up the target line of your bowler between the center arrow and the arrow either to the left or right of it. Then, throw a straight ball, and you should get an easy strike.
Get a ball with a good amount of hook to it. Bring your throw line to the second arrow to the left, then swing the line over to the middle arrow (the line will look like a slash). Put full spin on the ball, and throw it 100%. This may require a little adjustment.
Get a ball with a good amount of hook to it. Keep your throw line exactly where it is without moving it. Put full spin on the ball, and throw a 100%. If the ball has the correct amount of hook to it, it will hit Brooklyn every time. Brooklyn means that it will hit between the #1 and #2 pins (for a right hander) and the #1 and #3 pins (for a left hander).
Easy tournament winsWii Bowling Game Cheats Hack
When you defeat your opponent, the game will automatically save. If you lose a match, immediately turn off or reset your system. You will start the game on the same opponent you just lost to. By doing this, you will never lose.
Tournament moneyWii Bowling Games For Sale
If a tournament states the prize money is $10,000, you only actually can win $5,000. In any tournament, you will only receive half the prize money for finishing first.