Proceeding yesterday's PS4 7.02 Full Stack Exploit with Game Dumper & FTP Payloads, PS4Scene users on 7.02 Firmware have been busy testing 7.00-7.02 PS4HEN while Backporting PS4 Games to 5.05. PS4 CFW and Hacks PSXHAX Dec 18, 2020 at 5:09 AM 38,134 107.
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A discussion & information for the latest PlayStation 4 Jailbreak & Exploits for executing Homebrew and System Hacks
- Top 10 Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels It used to be that a sequel to a popular game was an idea that inspired excitement and joy. That is, still, mostly the case but there have been more than a few entries into favorite franchises that have soured gamers on the notion that more is always better.
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PS4 6.72 Jailbreak
PlayStation 4 6.72 Jailbreak
Latest:6.72 - Games & menu laggy / PS4 controller acts funnypinky
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PS2 Emulation on the PS4.
Latest:[Research]PS2 emulator configuration on PS4nifengyuexia
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Latest:PSX-FPKG 0.2 by Jabu - New tool to convert PS1 games for PS4pinky
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