Mr. Bill'sAdventureland
- Robinson Crusoe Game Cheats Xbox 360
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- Robinson Crusoe Game Free Download

Work together, with Friday, or alone to survive on a desert island. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Cheats & Tips: Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: GAME OVERVIEW. There are 6 chapters in this game, each chapter has 6 stages that you must complete. There are 2 modes that you can play, Survivor and Timed mode. In Survivor mode you will be given 60 minutes to complete each chapter, 5 hints to begin with and a 1 minute.
- Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Walkthrough & Cheats. Our Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Walkthrough will help you complete this exciting hidden object adventure game inspired by Daniel Defoe's classic masterpiece. The game begins with Robinson becoming shipwrecked on an island in the Caribbean and spans more than 28 years of his life as he.
- ROBINSON CRUSOE. Navigation Notes (Walkthrough) Written by Viva Media. Developed by Flammarion and Gyoza Media. Otherwise you can't proceed in the game. Go into the shelter by clicking on the map, and then into the kitchen. Click on the wooden pot under the table. Click on it again, drag out a dried plant, and then place this in the.
Published by Tivola Publishing
If you remain hopelessly stuck at 30th September 1659...
- Go to the panoramic representation of the beach, either via the map or by clicking in the text on page 13.
- Once on the beach, click on the wreck (which you can see.)
- Move the wreck until a rope becomes visible on the front part...
- Click on the rope; you arrive on the bridge of the wreck...
- You then have to build a raft according to the instructions given in the logbook on page 15.
- To achieve this, go down into the hold and enter the workshop of the shipwright.
- Take the saw and saw up the highest mast into two pieces, then click on all the other wooden pieces (yardarms) to make them vanish. Finally, place all the other objects shown in the scene into the case by clicking on them, before closing it.
- Go back onto the bridge. Click on the front part of the ship near the sails. There, you'll find the closed case again.
- Open the case and take out the axe. Chop up some planks from the bridge. Once all the material that can be of use has been salvaged, you automatically leave the ship and come back to pages 14-15 of the book. The raft is now built and appears from now on as a 3D movable object. You have successfully fulfilled your first task!
After you have constructed the raft (you find the explanation above), you have to return to the wreck once more to fetch all the supplies and collect the objects, which are mentioned in the book on page 18 (sketch).
- Click on the wreck on the map. Go into the bow of the ship and collect all the supplies. You can smash the barrels open with the help of the hammer. Go back up on deck.
- Click on the captain's cabin. Go to the cupboard. Behind the curtain you'll see the key that fits the lock. Click on the key and drag it first of all to the right-hand cupboard. By clicking with the key, the door opens; you see the pistol and the key for the left-hand door. Drag this key to the left-hand door. Behind it are the musket and the rifle.
- Now click on the desk. Collect the telescope, the inkpot and the knife.
- Finally click on the captain's chair. When you click on the seat, it opens and you'll find the cat and some bottles. In the chest next to the chair you'll find the compass and some books. Now you have collected everything. Go back up on deck and return to the beach.
- Now click on the small clump of trees. Here, using the knife, you have to cut the notches on the wooden cross.
- Using the map, click on the forest, which is now visible on it. You now have to shoot the bird with the pistol to get a feather for writing your log. (You'll see the bird when you click on the red berries.) The sketches on pages 16 and 18 of the book have now changed into 3-D images.
The next task, as described in the book, is to build your shelter.
- Click on the hill shown on the map.
- Now click on the cliff face. The carpenter's chest with the axe should be there. Open the chest and click on the axe.
- Then click on the small forest, which is on top of the hill. You now fell three trees using the axe by clicking with the mouse. Your home is now built.
- Click on the shelter to enter it. Here you can make a pipe. Click on the leather wall and you find the tools. By clicking the mouse buttons you can move the tools around. Perhaps the animated picture in the book, which you can activate by clicking on it, is useful here.
- Leave this scene and stand once again in front of your home. By clicking on the cliff face you find the sack of chicken feed. Click on it, and collect the seeds.
When you now go back to page 28 in the book, and click on the text, you return once more to the hill. Click on the stalks, which have meanwhile grown from the chicken feed, and collect them. On page 30 in the book an earthquake is mentioned. You just have to wait for this to happen; otherwise you don't get any further.
- Enter the kitchen in the house by clicking on the text of pages 30-34. Here you experience the earthquake through noises and the shaking of the picture.
As you can read in the book, you become ill. You have to make some medicine; otherwise you can't proceed in the game.
- Go into the shelter by clicking on the map, and then into the kitchen.
- Click on the wooden pot under the table. Click on it again, drag out a dried plant, and then place this in the saucepan, which is shown on the right.
- Click on the green bottle in the background and, by holding down the mouse button, drag it to the saucepan. Job done! You are healthy once again. You now find yourself at page 42 in the book. On the map you can now see two new places! At the top in the North you now have your second home to grow your fields of wheat.
Your next task is to catch Poll, the parrot.
- Go to the parrot by clicking on the map. Click on the wooded area. Poll lands on a branch. Click on him and your dog fetches him.
- Now go back to your shelter, enter it and go to the workbench. You have to make a cage for Poll.
- Click on the drill to make the holes.
- Click on the bamboo canes and locate them in the holes.
- Click on the iron ring and, then on the twine. Task completed! You can now hear Poll talk anytime by first clicking on the desk in the shelter and then on Poll himself.
- Go to the north of the island by clicking on your map.
- Now click on your wheat fields next to the hammock.
- By clicking, you can fire some shots and drive away the plunderers.
Your next job is to bake some bread. First though, you have to make the bowls for this.
- On page 51 click on the ball of clay and try to form it into a bowl by holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse. Only when you've done that, can you fire it in the oven without it breaking apart. You can also bake the bread by clicking on the bread dough. Now you have to construct the dugout.
- Click on the forest on the map.
- Click on the clearing. Fell the cedar by clicking on it. By repeated clicking of the mouse button you build your boat.
- Go back to your shelter using the map and enter your armory.
- Click on the chest and take out the sail.
- Click back on the small boat, which you can now see on the map and sail away.
- Click on the mountaintop with the goat. You can then go to a smaller mountainside with another mouse click.
- Click on the hole and, trap is now ready. Click once again on the mountainside, a goat comes along and falls into the trap.
- Go once again to the beach where you found the parrot by clicking on the map. Here you first discover footprints, and then with another click, bone. In the forest, you can encounter some totems.
From now on you only have to activate the animated pictures to reach the end of the game. Simply click on them to start.
Have fun!
For comments, corrections or suggestions for this walkthrough,
send email to Mr. Bill
Copyrighted © 2001 by Tivola Publishing
Copyright © January 2004
All Rights Reserved

While playing the game, type 'pommes' to enable cheat mode. Then, press ~ to display the console window. Type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Robinson Crusoe Game Cheats Xbox 360
Result | Cheat Code |
List console commands | list |
Gain indicated amount of gold | give_It Gold [number] |
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
Robinson Crusoe Game Cheats Ps2
- All-Rounder: Learned each skill once.
- Alligator Jack: Killed all alligators on Treasure Isle.
- Artefact Hunter: 'Steelbeard's Artefact' completed.
- Bane of the Beasts: Killed 500 monsters.
- Beginner: Killed 10 monsters.
- Big Game Hunter: Killed 2000 monsters.
- Birdbrain: Used parrot 5 times.
- Blademaster: Learned everything about blades.
- Bookworm: 'Following Garcia's Trail' completed.
- Captain: 'A New Ship' completed.
- Cash Cow: Acquired 100,000 gold.
- Cheese Knife: 'The Cunning Captain' completed.
- Crab Catcher: Killed 10 giant crabs.
- Crack Shot: Hit 10 times in one game in the shooting mini-game.
- Deep Sea Fisherman: Killed 50 sea monsters.
- Detective: 'Garcia's Masquerade Uncovered' completed.
- Digger: Dug up 50 treasures.
- Drunkard: Won drinking duel mini-game 10 times.
- Exterminator: Killed all gargoyles and gave their eggs to Eldric.
- Friend of the Gnomes: 'The Gnome Eater' completed.
- Ghost Pirate: 'The Journey to the Underworld' completed.
- Grave Robber: Opened every deadly chest once.
- Gunslinger: Learned everything about firearms.
- Harpooner: 'The Titan Weapon' completed.
- He Really Exists!: 'Find Steelbeard' completed.
- Just a little tipple...: Drank first rum.
- Kleptomaniac: Picked 100 locks.
- Knight in Shining Armour: 'Rescue Patty!' completed.
- Legendary Hero: Collected 20 legendary items.
- Liberator: 'Free Hawkins' completed.
- Long John Silver: Set course for Treasure Isle for the first time.
- Lord of the Tentacle: 'Defeat the Kraken' completed.
- Made of Money: Acquired 300,000 gold.
- Monkey Dance: Used monkey 20 times.
- Mr Industrious: Completed 250 quests.
- Necromancer: 'The Split Soul' completed.
- Pet Cemetery: Killed 20 ambient animals.
- Pirate: 'Become a Pirate' completed.
- Pirate with Muskets: 'Four Muskets against Crow' completed.
- Protector: Won duel against Severin.
- Provisions Master: 'Ship's Equipment' completed.
- Robinson Crusoe: 'The Marooned Sailor' completed.
- Rogue: Learned everything about cunning.
- Seafarer: Travelled by ship 20 times.
- Skinflint: Acquired 1000 gold.
- Storyteller: Collected 10 legendary items.
- Templar: 'The Air Temple' completed.
- The Curse Is Broken!: 'Kill Mara' completed.
- The Hand of God: 'The Greedy Captain' completed.
- The Right Hand: 'Chaka Datu's Legacy' completed.
- Tough Bastard: Learned everything about toughness.
- Tour Guide: At least 5 crew members on the ship.
- Treasure Hunter: Found first treasure in the game.
- Tub Captain: 'Build a Raft' completed.
- Voodoo Pirate: 'The Ancestors' Blessing' completed.
- Voodoo Wizard: Learned everything about voodoo.
The following achievements require the 'Treasure Isle' bonus downloadable content:
Robinson Crusoe Game Free Download
- Alligator Jack: Killed all alligators on Treasure Isle.
- Exterminator: Killed all gargoyles and gave their eggs to Eldric.
- Grave Robber: Opened every deadly chest once.
- Long John Silver: Set course for Treasure Isle for the first time.
- Robinson Crusoe: 'The Marooned Sailor' completed.
- Templar: 'The Air Temple' completed.