Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings Cheats & Codes
Cheat List
Press ENTER during gameplay and enter any of the following cheats.
Type in the console window 'get weaponname' where 'weaponname' is one from the list below.-9mm-45acp-556nato-762nato-57mm-338magnum-buckshot(shotgun ammo). These are for the Counter-strike 1.6 part of the Anthology. Open the console with then enable cheat mode by typing 'svcheats 1' then restart the match. You can now enter any of the following codes at the console for the desired effect.
- 1000 food: cheese steak jimmy's
- car: how do you turn this on
- show map: marco
- show all players: polo
- build faster: aegis
- kill player you're fighting: torpedo2
- birds turn into dogs: woofwoof
- kill all enemies: blackdeath
- commit suicide: wimpywimpywimpycheats above supplied by Vorag
- Furious the Monkey in town center: furious the monkey boy
- 1000 gold: robin hood
- 1000 stone: rock on
- 1000 wood: lumberjack
- Destroy all opponents: black death
- Half-Life - Counterstrike 1.6 Cheats - PC. Half-Life - Counterstrike. Cheat Codes:-Submitted by:Nguyen Trung Hieu Cheat & Hints, Tips:- Enter the console on the server machine and enter 'svcheats 1'. If you get cheating on a counter strike server they could punish you by doing the following; making.
- Cheat Counter strike Extreme V6 (PC) Before using the following codes, you must fist enable them by using the server machine and typing in svcheats 1. Once this is done, you must choose a level: changelevel Name of Map. After selecting the level, you can then go ahead and type in the code for the desired Effect you want to use.
- Here is a list of 'cheat codes' for Counter Strike 1.6. Most of these are not really 'cheats' in the true sense of the word but commands to change the preferences. Activate the console on the server machine and type 'svcheats 1' To enable the following codes.
- For the sake of New Counter Strike Users, here's the instruction on how to use counter strike cheat codes. Counter-Strike game cheats are usually applied by pressing down the right key combination. Activate the console on the server machine and type 'svcheats 1' to enable the following codes. Take note also that cheats should be entered on.
- Cs Activate the console via the tild key on the server (host) machine and type 'svcheats 1' Then while in the console, type the following to enable the 'cheat'.
More Cheat Codes

Cs 1.6 Hack

Cs 1.6 Cheat Aim
- Control animals (but lose control of men) - 'natural wonders'
- Lose campaign - 'resign'
- Saboteur unit - 'to smithereens'
- Slay select opponent - 'torpedo '
- Useless villager - 'i love the monkey head'
- Win campaign - 'i r winner'
- 125,000 gold - 'Montezuma'
- All friendly/enemy units die - 'Pandemic'
- Age advances - 'Architectivity'
- Damaged enemy buildings are destroyed - 'Cauterize Enabled'
- 5000 Wood, 2500 Stone, 3310 Gold - 'Master Builder'