Game Cheats: Extra Credits: At the 'Main' menu select the 'Enter Code' option and enter the case sensitive code 'Givemewonga' without the quotes to get more credits. All the latest NASCAR 2013: The Game cheats, cheat codes, hints, trophies, achievements, FAQs, trainers and savegames for PC. For NASCAR: The Game 2013 on the PC, GameFAQs has 47 cheat codes and secrets, 46 achievements, and 4 critic reviews.
Nascar The Game 2013 Free
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
Nascar Games Pc Download
- 1%'er: Earn a total of 1,000,000 Cr.
- Action Shot: Take a picture of your car with all four wheels off the track.
- Brainiac: Answer 150 trivia questions correctly.
- Challenger: Complete an Inside Line Highlight Challenge.
- Challenging: Complete a Head to Head Challenge.
- Champion: Win the Sprint Cup in Career Mode.
- Chase Champion: Win the Sprint Cup in Chase Mode.
- Clock Watcher: Earn Gold at a Thunderlap Invitational event.
- Collector: Purchase everything in the Reward Store.
- Consistent: Win a Gauntlet Invitational event.
- Contender: Win your first Public Online Race.
- Day At The Beach: Win the Daytona 500.
- Director: Save a replay of a race.
- Draft Dodger: Draft a total of 1000 yards in a race.
- First Steps: Take part in your first Career or Season Race.
- Gambler: Run out of fuel and coast into pit road.
- Gear Head: Create your own custom setup.
- In The Chase: Make the Chase.
- Lap It Up: Lap an opponent in a Public Online Race.
- Last Man Standing: Win an Eliminator Invitational event.
- Long Road Back: Win a Public Online Race after qualifying last.
- Mano a Mano: Win a Driver Duel Invitational event.
- Maxed Out!: Fully upgrade your Career Car.
- Miles Away: Win your first Intermediate track race in Career or Season Mode.
- Newbie: Take part in your first Public Online Race.
- Pass in the Grass: Win a race after overtaking on grass.
- Perfect Day: Qualify in pole, lead all laps, win the race.
- Photo Finish: Win an offline race by less than 0.02 seconds.
- Polish Victory Lap: Complete a victory lap driving the opposite direction around the track.
- Season Champion: Win the Sprint Cup in Single Season Mode.
- Serious: Win a race with no assists.
- Shake & Bake: Slingshot to victory in the final straight.
- Short & Sweet: Win your first Short track race in Career or Season Mode.
- Slippery: Complete a race without touching another car.
- Snap Happy: Take a picture in any Photo Mode.
- Speed Star: Win your first Superspeedway track race in Career or Season Mode.
- Startin' on Pole: Qualify on pole for the first time in Career or Season Mode.
- Taking Care Of Business: Sign a sponsor to each location on the car.
- The Intimidator: Spin out an opponent.
- The King: Win the Sprint Cup in Career Mode while playing on Champion difficulty.
- Too Much!: Win the race after crossing the finishing line backwards.
- Treat Yourself: Purchase an item from the Reward Store.
- Trend Setter: Finish a race with the fastest lap 100 times.
- Turn Right?: Win your first Road Course race in Career or Season Mode.
- Upgrade Complete: Purchase your first upgrade.
- Van Gogh: Create a custom paint scheme.