Rampage Total Destruction is a game that you play when you just want to destroy buildings. It is pretty fun to play especially in Co-op mode which was good t. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Rampage: Total Destruction for GameCube.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a. PS2 Cheats Rampage: Total Destruction Cheats. Kingston – Play as Lizzie in Las Vegas Jack – Play as Harry in Las Vegas. 7 PS2 Games That Deserve a Next Generation Re-Release. Virtua Fighter 4 Review. January 20, 2018. World Rally Championship Review. Cheat Lengkap Rampage: Total Destruction PS2 -Selamat malam, seharian koneksi internet saya mengalami masalah, sampe saya melapor ke pihak penyedia koneksi internet, tapi ternyata petugas tidak ada dan akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk memasang mode speedy siapa tau masalahnya ada pada modem-nya. Retro game cheats for Rampage: Total destruction (PS2). Freeola has over 100,000 cheat codes for 12,348 games.
At the main menu, press L + R to display the code entry screen. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Note: The effects of the codes will not be saved with your game.
- All levels
Enter '271828' as a code to unlock all levels.
All levels and monstersEnter '141421' as a code to unlock all levels and monsters.
All special abilitiesEnter '011235' as a code to unlock all special abilities for all monsters. Note: The star points will not appear on their cards.
One-hit building destructionEnter '071767' as a code.
Invincible to military attacksEnter '986960' as a code.
Demo mode with two random monstersEnter '082864' as a code. Note: This earns PAR Damage Stars.
Instant demo mode with two random monstersEnter '874098' as a code. Note: This earns Destruction Complete Stars.
View opening sequenceEnter '667300' as a code.
View ending sequenceEnter '667301' as a code.
View creditsEnter '667302' as a code.
Display version numberEnter '314159' as a code.
Disable all cheatsEnter '000000' as a code.
UnknownEnter '000020' as a code.
UnknownEnter '249020' as a code.
While the game is loading, press any button and the monster you selected will make funny noises.
Play as Bubba the BlobUnlock the other 23 bonus monsters (for a total of 29) to unlock Bubba.
Play as Eyegore the AlienSuccessfully complete the game with the 'All Challenges Met' award for all cities to unlock Eyegore the Alien.
Play as Philbert the UngulateSuccessfully complete the game with the 'Par Scores Met' award for all cities to unlock Philbert the Ungulate.
Bonus monstersRampage Total Destruction Cheats
The following monsters are hidden in a block in a city. Use the indicated monster to destroy the corresponding block in the city until the bonus monster is unlocked.
- Jack: Las Vegas, second block, play as Harry
- Kingston: Las Vegas, second block, play as Lizzie
- Leon: Las Vegas, second block, play as George
- Marco: San Francisco, fifth or sixth block, play as George
- Natalie: San Francisco, third block, play as Gilman
- Shelby: San Francisco, third block, play as Lizzie
- Edwin: London, second block, play as Wally
- Icky: London, second block, play as Leon
- Kyle: London, third block, play as George
- Amanda: Los Angeles, second block, play as Lizzie
- Bart: Los Angeles, second or fifth block, play as Kingston
- Cal: Los Angeles, second block, play as George
- Harry: Chicago, second block, play as Marco
- Nick: Chicago, second block, play as Harry
- Rojo: Chicago, second block, play as George
- Crock: Hong Kong, third block, play as George
- Jill: Hong Kong, third block, play as Amanda
- Venus: Hong Kong, third block, play as Leon
- Joe: New York, third block, play as Natalie
- Rocky: New York, third block, play as George
- Wally: New York, third block, play as Kyle
Successfully complete a block, then select the 'Change Monster' option. Choose the same monster you finished the block with to start the next block with full health.
No policeIf a policeman is after you, lure him away from his vehicle and kill him (kick, eat, grab and jump, ground smash, etc.). If you do not destroy his car, no more police officers will arrive (excluding S.W.A.T. or army tanks).

Pick up a gasoline truck and throw it at a building to instantly destroy it.
Change billboardsGo to a billboard on a roof and kick it to change it to a funnier version. For example, in Las Vegas by the large slot machine there is a 'Beauty's Only Skin Deep' billboard. Kick the woman in the face to see the girl from The Exorcist.
Item effects- Bananas: Good for George
- Chili Peppers: Good for Nick
- Fire: Good for Nick
- Poison: Good for Kingston
- Steak: Hurts Rojo
- Water: Venus can drink water from pipe leaks. Gilman is immune to water leaks.

Unlock the other 29 monsters.
Successfully complete the game with the 'All Challenges Met' award for all cities.
Successfully complete the game with the 'Par Scores Met' award for all cities.
Other hidden monsters:
The following monsters are hidden in a block in a city. Use the indicated monster to destroy blocks in the city until the bonus monster is unlocked.
Leon: Vegas, play as any starting monster.
Kingston: Vegas, play as Lizzie.
Jack: Vegas, play as Harry.
Marco: San Francisco, play as Ralph.
Shelby: San Francisco, play as Lizzie.
Natalie: San Francisco, play as Marco.
Kyle: London, play as Kingston.
Icky: London, play as Ralph.
Edwin: London, play as Wally.
Cal: Los Angeles, play as Kyle.
Amanda: Los Angeles, play as Kyle.
Bart: Los Angeles, play as Kingston
Rojo: Chicago, play as Kyle.
Harry: Chicago, play as Marco.
Nick: Chicago, play as Harry.
Croc: Hong Kong, play as Rojo.
Venus: Hong Kong, play as Croc.
Jill: Hong Kong, play as Amanda.
Wally: New York, play as Marco.
Rocky: New York, play as Cal.
Joe: New York, play as Natalie.
Control loading screen:
Press any button while game is loading. The monster you selected will make funny noises.
Automatic monster unlocking:
Allow the game to begin demo mode and have it auto-play. Any monsters unlocked by the CPU during demo mode will remain unlocked for your game.
Monster's unique abilities:
Some monsters have unique abilities. For example, Philbert can eat anything, Bart can fly, and Rojo can build up speed while running.
Change billboards:
Go to a billboard on a roof and kick it to change it to a funnier version. For example, in Las Vegas with the large slot machine there is a 'Beauty's Only Skin Deep' billboard. Kick the woman in the face to see the girl from The Exorcist.
No police:
If a policeman is bothering you, lure him away from his vehicle and eliminate him kick, eat, grab and jump, ground smash, etc.. Never destroy his car, and no more police officers will arriveexcluding S.W.A.T., or army tanks.
Rampage Total Destruction Download
Unique item effects:
Bananas: Good for George
Chili Peppers: Good for Nick
Fire: Good for Nick
Poison: Good for kingston
Steak: Hurts Rojo
Water: Venus can drink water from pipe leaks. Gilman is immune to water leaks.
Ps2 Rampage Total Destruction
More sound effects:
In two player mode, pause game play with player two's controller. Every time you try to select 'Options', you will hear sound effects.