Install, uninstall, or repair Easy Anti-Cheat. The Easy Anti-Cheat service is typically installed automatically with each game, and uninstalled automatically when the last game using Easy Anti-Cheat is removed from your system. As soon as I click on multiplayer to play, it tells me to enable Easy Anti Cheat. I have no idea where to enable EAC, I tried downloading it on steam - didn't work Tried to run the installer - no MCC in the drop-down menu. Easy Anti Cheat Numerous online games require Easy Anti Cheat. This instrument screens your PC as you play, it endeavoring to keep cheats from working in any case. If it identifies an issue, you can be prohibited from the web based on the online game.
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Any Game Using Easy Anti Cheat Wont Working

Any Game Using Easy Anti Cheat Wont Work Windows 10
Hi i downloaded the game and game wont launch thru the launcher i tried runnin as admin but still wont work. But when i launch the game it self (albion>game>Albion-Online) it will run for like 30 secs and then disconnect me back to main menu. i dont know what to do.
PS: sorry for my bad english :c
PSS: this is most likely bad sub-forum im sorry